Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chapter 3

Sorry about the wait on this but sometimes when you're working with another writer the process takes a little longer

It's not like I plan to do things that will cause more difficulty in my life. Sometimes it just happens.

Prime example? The day after all of the T’s were dotted and I’s were crossed on my contract and I was had begun settling in at my new luxury Coal Harbor condo, Hank announced that I would make my grand debut at the team's Halloween party.

Naturally, because men just don't get the planning that actually goes into things like makeup, hair, and wardrobe for special occasions that left me with very little time to procure a suitable costume. By the time I was able to find a shop that still had stock on the shelves my options were limited to Sexy Pirate Whore, Sexy Pirate Whore's Fairy Cousin (with wings), or Sexually Confused Pirate.

I'm honestly amazed how the only difference between most costumes is a little bedazzling and some spirit gum.

I had actually decided to go for the Sexually Confused Pirate hoping that portraying a man - okay, a flamboyant man in tights and a bling’d out eye patch - would help me downplay my sexuality a bit. The party was going to be my first opportunity to meet most of the players not to mention their wives and significant others and I was anxious about being too... much.

It was one thing to “know” your husband slept with some other woman. It was another to have to meet her while she was wearing some sexy, titilating outfit. So out of respect, I had hoped to keep things low key and had been searching for something fun but more on the innocent, demure side of the spectrum.

Unfortunately every single nun costume in the city had been snatched up and I was stuck with Captain Morgan the ambiguously gay henchman of the high seas.

Or so I thought until I spotted a pair of roller skates.

Other than my arms and legs, I was completely covered! Granted, the shorts were satin and 1970’s short and the Hello Kitty t-shirt was a size or two smaller than I would normally wear but the knee socks were totally adorable in an almost innocent and I hoped UN-sexy way, so I was pretty sure that I had achieved my non-threatening costume.

Of course there was always the chance that I may have overshot the mark, which was apparent when I rolled in and Lou did a spit take, Andrew Alberts poured beer on himself and nearly every woman in the room bared their teeth in my direction.

Kess appeared at my side, his face a mixture of amusement and exasperation as he helped me out of my coat. "You're even wearing fucking pig tails."

"Hm?" I was distracted by the number of people in the place. For some reason I had expected a smaller gathering. Instead there seemed to be a small nation of revellers spread throughout the hall, most of the women wearing... very little.

By comparison I stood out like a sore thumb and instantly attracted all of the attention they were trying for. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end while eyes raked over me, not all of them friendly.

Kess was shaking his head once I finally tuned him back in. "What?" I asked.

"You're a set of knee pads away from a really interesting night," he declared, passing off my coat to someone else.

I glanced down at myself and wrinkled my nose. "Too much?"

He rolled his eyes and hauled me close enough so that I could hear him while getting towed across the floor. "Bring it on the road, Sugar. I guarantee you a long, rough trip."

The heat of his breath on my neck made me shiver and the sense memory of his low, husky voice spewing filthy instructions during our last encounter had me instantly aroused. I was suddenly ready for him to bend me over the nearest solid surface, disapproving audience be damned!

One night. I'd had ONE freakin' night with one of these guys and I was already hooked.

Not that I thought that there was any chance of getting a fix tonight. As Kess nudged me along I was very aware of the eyes of most of the women turning to watch us walk through the room and I was betting they’d notice if I sneaked off with one of their husbands.

“I’m sensing...animosity,” I hissed and heard him laugh beside me.

“Not gonna lie, there’s bound to be some of that. It’s all in how you handle tonight,” he instructed. If his advice was supposed to make me feel better, he’d failed, epically.  My stomach tightened and my hands got clammy.

“I’m gonna need a drink,” I blurted out and as if by telepathy a dirty martini was forced into my hand. I stared down at it and then up at the crystalline blue eyes staring back at me. “Thank you,” I whispered, my lips pulling away from my teeth in a smile that answered his own.

“You’re welcome,” he said warmly and then, leaning in to brush his lips lightly along my cheek he added in a whisper, “you look like you needed it.” If it was wrong to wonder if he could anticipate my need for alcohol what he’d be like anticipating my every desire in the sack was wrong, in that moment I was a very, very bad girl.

“I love your outfit. I wish I’d thought of it.” All of those thoughts crashed to the floor like a broken glass when I turned and looked down at the cute, eager face of the woman who was tucked into Kevin’s side as if she had grown there.

“Well I’m already regretting the footwear,” I told her honestly and her already adorable smile grew exponentially. She vibrated with energy and when he turned those sky blue eyes to look down at her with a protective affection, I actually felt jealous.

“I could do with the extra inches,” she sighed self effacingly. I wanted to tell her that fitting under a guy’s arm the way she did was just about perfect but the way her husband was looking at her made that comment a bit unnecessary.  “Why don’t I introduce you around?” Katie said brightly and I wanted, very much, to say no, but with a little push to the small of my back Kess sent me in her direction and the guys just sort of melted away. The next time I got my hands on him, he was gonna pay for that.

“Thanks,” I muttered, but didn’t feel it. She giggled, honestly, giggled like a little girl.

“We don’t all bite, I promise,” she chuckled, and then her eyes got a little wide and she put out a hand to stop me rolling forward. “Except Andrea...and she’s kinda already mad at you.”

“Oh good,” I grumbled and felt that prickling at the back of my neck again.

“You know she was...she did...your job right?” Katie asked and I felt my eyes get wide. “I guess not,” she smiled and laid a hand on my arm. “So if she’s a little suspicious, you can understand, right?” I nodded, thinking it would have been nice if her husband had let me in on that little nugget of information. Oh he was gonna pay alright.

“What about you?” I asked, suddenly wondering if she was this happy because her husband was forbidden from going anywhere near me.

“Me? Did I do...?” she looked perplexed and I sighed and shook my head, reminding myself to be more clear.

“How are you okay” I asked, still feeling weird about saying what I did, especially to her in all her shiny happiness.

“I wasn’t, at first, of course,” she admitted with a roll of her eyes. “But y’know, after a bit, well after Cole...honey you’re a godsend, really. Kev has...,” her eyes wandered to where her husband in his Elf suit was raising a beer with Kess and Malhotra, “he has a big appetite for pretty much everything and now since Reese...between you and me, it’s kind of a relief for someone else to tire him out, y’know?” I was shocked and it probably showed but she didn’t let on, just smiled and gave me a tug that had me rolling behind her. “C’mon, meet the girls.” 

“Need some help with those?” The idea had been cute but I was over the rollerskates, especially since I’d started bumping into everyone after a couple of martinis. I nodded before I even looked up to see who was offering and found myself looking into another pair of blue eyes, these ones more the colour of the ocean mid afternoon at Montego Bay. “The socks are cute too,” he added with a big smile that made his eyes crinkle at the edges. I smiled back and flexed my rainbow toe socks.

“You like?” I asked playfully and he nodded, tugging off my second skate and then expertly tying both sets of laces together so they wouldn’t roll off on their own.

“I do,” he chuckled and straightened to his full height, his gladiator costume leaving most of his mile wide shoulders and gargantuan arms bare. I stared at his biceps so long he cleared his throat and then laughed when I had to blink to force myself to look up into his eyes. “Think you can slip and slide out onto the dance floor?” he asked, holding his hand out to me, which might have been a mistake. I looked at his hand and then was immediately distracted by the six-pack starting back at me from between where his armour stopped and his roman kilt bottom began. It had to be fake, I thought as I just sat there, staring at it. No one had muscles that looked like that. “Penny for them?”

“Ha ha.” He was not even the first of his teammates to do it but it still did the trick of dragging my attention back up to his hundred watt smile and blue, blue eyes.

“So, the WAGs didn’t scare you off?” he asked, his mouth close to my ear, his arm tight around my waist as I walked beside him towards where a few of the guys were cutting a rug, including Lou in his bright white Saturday Night Fever suit and Kess in his Tarzan costume.

“It’s surprising to me as well,” I explained with a wry smile as the music suddenly slowed and we were suddenly facing one another. “I think I was expecting much gnashing of teeth and pulling hair,” I admitted with a wink as he slid his hand down to my hip. His hand felt big there, in charge, as if I was going to try and get away. I was fairly sure I was right in thinking that he, Co Ho and Booth might be the only single guys on the team, and so I was feeling a certain measure of safety dancing with him.

“Well that would have made the night interesting anyway,” he laughed, those ocean blue eyes of his crinkling again at the corners and his entire face lighting from within. I remembered his being at the bar that night and thought that he was very good bait indeed. At that moment I had the overwhelming urge to run the palm of my hand over the stubble on his cheek to see if it was rough or soft.

“So...what happened to the last one?” I asked him and his face immediately transformed into the politician’s mask and she knew she wasn’t going to get a complete or honest answer. “I mean...Ryan told me that he takes the blame. I just meant...where did she go? To another team or...?” I watched his glance go towards where Kess and Juice were currently arm wrestling and laughing.

“For his sake...I hope she got moved to Long Island or somewhere we won’t come across her,” Chris replied softly. I followed his gaze to the tight knit group and liked that he cared about them that way. I didn’t know how he’d felt about the girl who had been in my shoes, and I guess, in their beds. Maybe he’d liked her, maybe they all had, and they could have been really angry at Ryan for it but they didn’t seem to be. They could have also been less welcoming to me, but that didn’t seem to be the case either. “So,” he turned a smile back at me and changed the subject. “How are you liking your new digs?”

“It’s way nicer than my place,” I agreed, “but I’m not quite moved in yet. I mean...I have some spaces to fill...I don’t know. I’m not really sure what vibe to go for y’know? I’s not just for me so I was actually going to ask Hank but maybe you can throw your two cents in. I was thinking about some modern prints but I’m open to a more rock and roll kind of photo collage thing...,” I began and my only warning that he wasn’t listening was how wide his eyes got right before one of my pony tails almost got pulled out of my scalp. “Fuck! Ow!” It was a good thing I wasn’t on wheels at that point or I’d probably have been on my ass. As it was, I staggered backwards and the only reason I didn’t fall was Chris still had a hold on me.

“Andrea no!” he began in the tone you use on your dog right before they piss on someone else’s furniture.

“You little whore,” she snarled at me right before her palm came in painful contact with my cheek. I blinked, stunned, and stared at Cinderella in her giant organza ball gown that looked like it belonged in a Disney cartoon. She was wearing too much make up, like those little kids in the Toddlers and Tiaras show and I was so mesmerized by an obviously fake beauty spot that I didn’t see her claws coming for me until they were right in front of my eyes which thankfully was the moment when Kess got a hold of his wife and just like the character he was portraying for the night, lifted her completely off of her feet and dragged her away from me.
“Jesus woman you’re drunk and you’re making an ass out of yourself,” Ryan hissed at her as she struggled to get free of a grip that I knew from experience felt like being pinned by solid steel beams.

“We don’t want her here, tell her RyRy,” she pouted, kicking her silver slippers in the air while her hoop skirt rang like a bell around her knees. I tried not to laugh but it was hard, especially when her lily white boobs started to spill from the top of the dress.

“Stop it Andi. Promise you’ll behave and I’ll put you down,” Kess hissed at her, looking distinctly unhappy. I should have felt sorry for her. She was obviously drunk, slurring her words and forgetting that she was supposed to act like a lady, but the look of barely constrained rage on her husband’s face was making the panties I couldn’t wear under the eenie weenie satin shorts go up in flames. I couldn’t help it.

“It’s okay,” I told him but his dark eyes never even wavered from watching his wife’s face.

“Say you’re sorry Andi,” Ryan hissed between clenched teeth.

“No,” she sulked, her bottom lip jutting out like a petulant child’s. “We don’t need her here,” she added for good measure, sending me a withering look that did actually make me feel about an inch tall. I crossed my arms around myself and took a step back but there was no escaping. I backed right into Chris’s massive chest and Lappy was right beside him with Juice not far away.

“C’mon Andi, let’s get another drink,” Gina offered, patting Andrea’s hand like it was the head of a Persian cat. Ryan stared daggers at Lou’s wife but let her take his spitting alley cat and lead her away. He stared after them like he was trying to decide if he should be the one taking her away but then Katie was there, sliding her little hand over his and leading him towards us.

“Y’know what I think? I think this party is almost done and I think you guys still need to let off some steam so, Kev, honey, why don’t you and Ry take Penny down to the rink to cool off and do some wind sprints or...y’know whatever,” she added with a wink in my direction. I felt my jaw drop. She was giving me permission, in front of absolutely everyone to fuck her husband, tonight, not on the road, not after a game, tonight.

“God I love you woman,” Juice laughed and picked her right up like she weighed about as much as a puppy and kissed her full on the mouth. “Coming Kess?” he said as he put her down and gave her round ass a playful slap.

“Fuckin’ rights,” Ryan growled and linked his arm with mine and started pulling me off the dance floor.

“ roller skates,” I complained as I practically had to jog to keep up with him. When I looked back Higgs had them hanging from one hand. “I don’t have any shoes,” I tried to explain, looking over at Juice who laughed and then picked me up and put me on Ryan’s back.

“Come on,” Kev laughed, giving my ass a swat, “let’s go skate.”

“But I don’t know how,” I told him honestly. I heard Ryan laugh.

“Well we can’t fuckin’ have that, can we?” 

An extra pair of socks and a pair of figure skates that I didn’t ask where they came from later and Kev was on the ice, facing me, wiggling his fingers and crooning at me like I was a little child.

“Don’t let me fall,” I muttered unhappily, looking down at the cold, white, hard ice.

“And bruise this cute heinie? We won’t do that, will we Juice?” Kess asked from behind me, giving my ass a swat that would have, had I been on the ice, sent me right down onto it.

“Orrrrr,” Kev grinned in a way that made me yearn for those kneepads Kess had alluded to earlier, “every time she falls she has to take something off.”

“What?!” I looked down at my tiny satin shorts and silly little top and shook my head. Naked and ice didn’t sound like a good combination to me. “More like every time you guys let me fall you have to take something off.” I hadn’t been happy about their changing into track suits but they’d pulled the ‘v.i.p.’ card on me and I hadn’t been able to argue, much. Now, however, that meant they had jackets, t-shirts, pants, shorts and underwear to take off which was a hell of a lot more than I did.

“Sounds like a plan,” Kess growled in my ear and slid the palm of his hand over one of my breasts and giving it a squeeze. My pussy clenched and I think I moaned but I only had a moment to ponder on the x-rated vision in my head before he picked me up and put me down on the ice and my feet started to go every which way and I started to shriek like a little girl.

“I gotcha, don’t worry,” Kev grinned, his big hands snapping around my forearms like they were matchsticks as he steadied me. With hardly any movement at all he was gliding backward and pulling me forward. “See, easy,” he chuckled.

“Don’t let me go!” I whined and felt Kess’s hands on my hips.

“Then how are we gonna get naked?” he purred like a big cat in my ear and then stroked his hand up my ribs to my breast again and for some reason that made me move my feet and start to fall. I think I shrieked again but they didn’t let me fall. Kess’s arms locked around my waist and he held me against him, his feet on either side of mine as he steadied me. “Better?” he asked, grinding his erection against the small of my back. I nodded, breathlessly.

“Hey, hey, no monopolising the specialist Kess,” Kevin tutted and reached for one of my arms. Ryan let me go and Kev spun me towards him. One minute I was almost crashing into the boards that loomed in the near darkness like spectral barriers that I was under no illusion would hurt if I ran into them, and the next I was facing him, locked to him with his arms around me and we were speeding along the boards, my skates off the ice.

“Faster?” I giggled and he laughed, hiking me up until my legs were around his waist and he skated like the wind, his hands cupping my ass, mostly under my shorts.

I kissed him. It seemed like the right thing to do. I wanted to kiss his grin, wanted to feel his still slightly swollen bottom lip as I did. He kissed me back, his tongue gliding over mine and I felt it right down into my pussy and moaned for him.

“That’s a penalty Juice,” I heard Kess call from behind us and then he was right there, his lips and teeth on my neck. I arched my neck for him and he traced my jugular right up to my ear while Kev nuzzled my breasts and slid his thumb under my shorts and found my slit and started to stroke my joy buzzer.

“Player’s lounge,” I suggested, thinking of the white leather couches and the heat.

“Nah,” Kess growled behind me.

“Yeah, nah,” Kev chuckled and then a door swung open and he lifted me inside. Kess followed and swung the door shut. “Always wanted to do this,” he added, putting me down carefully on the bench. I looked around and realized that we were in the penalty box, literally the sin bin. I tried not to think about all of the guys that horked oysters in here, spit and bled right in this spot as Kess slid his track pants down and offered his cock to my lips. I looked up at him and smiled and opened my lips so he could slide his cock over my tongue while Juice carefully lifted my bottom off of the bench and slid my shorts down.

I moaned around Kess’s dick while Kev lapped at my cunt, my knees over his shoulders. He spread my pussy lips wide and dug his tongue in and made me moan which made Kess have to reach out and press his hands flat to the glass on either side to keep his feet.

“Do you know how he got his nickname?”  Kess asked me, his voice hoarse as I rolled my tongue around the head of his cock. I rolled my eyes up and shook my head, just a little. “He likes to suck pussy juice, right Kev?” he chuckled and then dragged in a sharp breathe as I cupped his balls in my hand. If Kev answered it was only a muffled vibration that made me cry out, tipping my head back as I came. “Nice,” Kess said admiringly as I sat there shuddering and high fived Kev who licked his lips and then dropped his pants. I whimpered. It was as long as Kess’s but as thick as a Coke can. “Told ya,” Kess laughed as Juice dropped onto the bench beside me and grinned.

Like a true gentleman Kess held out his hand and helped me manoeuvre onto Juice’s lap and held my hand as I lowered myself over him. I felt like I was being spitted for a barbeque in a good way. I moaned as I slid down over him and he nuzzled my breasts, pushing my shirt up over them and capturing one nipple in his mouth. I tipped my head back and Kess grabbed hold of one of my pig tails and tugged. He’d climbed up on the bench and his cock was right there. I smiled up at him and opened my mouth wide and he slid his dick over my tongue.

“I’m gonna think of this the next time I slash Bickell in the face,” Kess promised, pressing gently on the back of my head and forcing my mouth down over him.

“Fuckin’ rights,” Kev chuckled, releasing my one nipple with a wet popping sound before dipping his head down to take the other one.

As for me the next time I saw one of them in the sin bin I’d have to break out a vibrator.


  1. So good! I'm not a Canucks fan by any means, but this is almost enough to make me reconsider. More please!!

  2. Slowly becoming a Canucks fan...

  3. Great chapter! Lots of funny moments! and sexy ones too! Wouldnt mind being a part of a kess and juice sandwich myself..damn! I hope to read more with Higgins though, that man is soooo sexy! Thanks again:)
